I'm Shanteka Belton, founder and owner of Essence of Wellness. Essence of Wellness began with my desire to live a healthy lifestyle after finding myself often unwell due to my body lacking the necessary vitamins and nutrients it needed in order to maintain its wellness. I started down the path of research and study and found that many of the vitamins and minerals essential in the human body's ability to function at its best can be found in a variety of herbs, plants, berries, and even seaweeds! After becoming victorious in my search for wellness I couldn't help wanting to share these benefits with my friends, family and community. It was at this time in the year 2020 that Essence of Wellness was born here in Atlanta, Ga. Here at Essence of Wellness my mission is to provide affordable accessible and natural ways towards achieving immune health and overall health and wellness. 

Our Mission

Essence of Wellness mission is to provide quality all-natural products and educate customers on the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As a small business, we value our customers and believe access to all-natural products should be attainable for all. Complete transparency and honesty is what our business stands for as we believe people should know exactly what they are putting into their bodies.

Our Goal

Our overall goal is to educate our customers on the importance of providing our bodies with the nutrients it needs to build a strong immune system. Here at Essence of Wellness, we believe a healthy lifestyle is key to optimal health and wellness.